The Fabric of Misinformation -with Gregory Brun
We live in a world flooded with information, yet true understanding feels more out of reach than ever. This evening, we’ll explore how the way we consume information came to shape our view of the world. Drawing from Guy Debord’s idea of the Society of the Spectacle, and Baudrillard’s concept of hyperreality, we’ll look at […]
Healing Journey of a Nazi’s Daughter—with Andrea van de Loo
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United StatesBorn during WWII in the Netherlands, Andrea van de Loo experienced a traumatic childhood. Her father’s past as a member of the Nazi SS cast a long shadow over her life. Despite challenges, she embarked on a journey toward healing and self-discovery. Her search for self took her across the globe (she presented last year […]
The Earth Has a Soul: Jung on Nature, Technology & Modern Life
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United StatesAs the environmental crisis on Earth deepens, we are consulting Jung for his insights concerning Anima Mundi, the soul of the world. As he writes: “Nature, psyche, and life appear to me like divinity unfolded—what more could I ask for?” We continue reading chapters from the anthology edited by Meredith Sabini: 6: Our Civilizing Potential Has Led […]
The Life of the Soul: Hermetic Perspectives on the Self—with Ike Baker
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United StatesThis presentation will focus on extant primary source materials to examine the foundations of Hermetic thought from antiquity to the Renaissance, tracing the history, theory, and practices of the Hermetic traditions. We will also look at the close association between Hermeticism and alchemy and explore the philosophical underpinnings of the art of transmutation. Finally, we'll explore […]
Projection and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul by Marie-Louise von Franz
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United StatesThe Earth Has a Soul: Jung on Nature, Technology & Modern Life
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United StatesProjection and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul by Marie-Louise von Franz
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United StatesArchitecture as an Aspect of Yoga—with Lakshmi Mayya
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United States“Architecture as an Aspect of Yoga” explores the intersection of spatial design, whole-person psychology, and the evolution of consciousness. Drawing on Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy that “All life is yoga” and his and Jean Gebser’s shared insights into the evolution of consciousness, this immersive exploration reimagines architecture as a transformative practice. By aligning inner intentions with […]
Historians and the Making of Meaning—with Robert Strayer, PhD
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United StatesHumans are meaning-making creatures. In the absence of meaning, we do not flourish. Historians too participate in this vast human effort. A large part of the historian’s craft involves identifying, describing, and explaining the meanings that individuals and societies in the past have ascribed to their experience and their behavior. But historians are more than observers […]
Jung Reading Group: The Earth Has a Soul
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United StatesWhat’s the Matter with Matter?
McGowan House Center 381 High St, Monterey, CA, United StatesJung often takes up traditional conceptions of spirit as the opposite of matter . Yet, in his work with alchemy, Jung speaks of the merging of the material-sensual and the spiritual. Such topics are central in Jung's explorations with physicist Wolfgang Pauli. Quantum Field Theory suggests that material particles are actually ripples of field interactions. […]